
Something New!!!

Hello, everyone. These days are gradually becoming very cold!! Today's theme is 'Something New' but I don't come up with what I want to start at all, so I'll talk about 'Something New' that I experienced in my summer vacation. Maybe you know, I had been to China then. In China, I was surprised a lot at everything. First, I was surprised at the colors of cakes. Please look at a photo!! Have you ever seen such a colorful cake? It's very beautiful, but taste wasn't good so much... Second, it's traffic. In Japan, predicts are prior when poeple across the road but in China, cars are prior!! Therefore, if the signal was green,we would have minded cars everytime. Finally, it was the first time that I was stricked my face into a big cake by siniors!! You have seen that on TV, don't you? After that, we had to clean the room and it was hard job... but it was very enjoyable!!!

4 件のコメント:

  1. This cakes look like poison cake!haha

  2. The taste of cake was not good?
    But it's not problem, is it?
    Because cuteness is more important than taste for you, I think.

  3. My favorite cake is also cheese cake!
    I think it's really tasty!!
